A Mystic’s Journal is my main-stay publication and I thank all the new subscribers that have recently stopped by! I share mystical events and psychic medium teachings. Always with my ‘edgy’ perspective. Weekly journals are free, plus weekly posts are paid only. Sign up for either right here:
To read earlier sections of Legend of the Wren click here.
Eventually, Donovan goes to a police academy hoping that the training there would help him overcome his PTSD problems. The academy was much different than what he had been doing, and police are responsible for so much more. He wanted it so much but was worried he could not handle it.
He did remarkably well and was glad he made the decision to be a policeman.
After graduation he joined the Wilkes-Barre Township force.
Donovan had been suffering from PTSD since childhood and it turned him into the neighborhood bully. Having been married recently, he wanted to change that part of his life, please his wife and himself. Self-worth was growing but he was still very confused about life and gaining confidence.
He felt he could be productive by joining the police force.
Wilkes-Barre Township
It was Sunday afternoon, and as with many smaller communities, the downtown main street was empty except for a few people here and there. It made a perfect place for Joseph to walk and think and meditate without anyone bothering him. He had come to this area as a change of pace. He liked to keep his life changing so not to be stuck in a rut.
Just around the corner, he could hear a baby crying and screaming. It seemed strange to hear it since there were so few people in the area. When he got around the corner to look, he saw a small toddler crying all alone. He was just in his diaper, barefoot. He must have wandered off from his family. They would be looking for him.
Joseph headed towards the child to rescue him.
Before he could reach the child, out of nowhere, an angry Doberman pincher came running and attacked the small toddler. He ripped into the diaper and tore gaping holes in the child’s body. The innate anger and the scent of body excrements spurred the dog into a frenzy. The child’s screams were blood-curdling.
Joseph instinctively reacted to an opening. He saw there was no collar on the dog, so he lunged for the dog’s neck. He threw his whole body into the direction of the dog as he wrapped his hands around the neck, trying to choke the dog so it would let go of the baby.
After a few minutes, and Joseph’s perseverance, the dog did let go of the baby. Joseph and the dog rolled a few feet away from the child; the baby was still screaming. Joseph’s main concern at the moment was that the baby was safe. So, hearing him screaming was a good sound, it meant he was still alive.
Attention shifted quickly to his own safety, as Joseph continued to apply pressure to the dog’s neck. If he let up even for a moment, the dog would attack him too.
Joseph, for the first time since he was about five years old, took a deep breath and screamed for help. It was a rustic, almost foreign sound, but the guttural shriek got people’s attention.
Joseph Allen Walker abandoned his silence. Â
Suddenly, there were a couple of policemen that ran up to the scene. Joseph was still struggling with the dog, trying to keep it away from the baby, when he saw one policeman acting so scared and started yelling commands for Joseph to move away.
That one policeman, in particular, was acting strangely and started desperately trying to gain control of a situation that was impossible to control. He was new to the job, and new to the beat. There was a small child bloody and screaming, Joseph strangling a large dog while they were thrashing around, and a crowd was beginning to form with women crying and someone with a camera taking pictures.Â
The confused policeman started losing his mind, not knowing what to do. He seemed to be freaking out and felt like he had to do something – anything. He was jumping around with a shotgun in his hands and waving it at the situation, screaming commands at the top of his voice.
The other policeman was trying to help Joseph gain control of the dog, when suddenly, they heard a gun blast.
In his despair and insane moment, the novice policeman accidently shot at something. He really did not mean to shoot the gun, just gain control. But the shotgun blast hit the small toddler. The child laid motionless with lifeblood flowing from his body.
At the same moment, almost as a natural response, Joseph let go of the dog, the other policeman pulled him away from the dog. They handcuffed his hands behind his back and left him to sit on the pavement.
Almost immediately, the dog sprang at Joseph and sunk his teeth into the soft tissue of the neck, tearing a deep hole in his throat.
This second policeman shot the dog, but too late. Joseph laid, hands cuffed, on the street with blood gushing from his throat. His eyes went glassy. He raised out of himself and saw the whole event continue to unfold.
In the Spirit state, Joseph saw the confusion. The first cop was trying to explain his mistake, but the other cop told him to shut up. Since there were no other witnesses to the beginning of the attack, and the baby and Joseph were obviously dead, they decided to make up an alternate version of how things happened.
The police called emergency vehicles to take care of the bodies and went to the police station to fill out their carefully planned report. Their version said that Joseph had an unlicensed dog that attacked a baby on the street.
They tried to shoot the dog, but the dog dived at them at the same time, and the shotgun hit the baby by mistake. And they said that Joseph tried to attack the police and would not obey commands to stand down. The dog attacked, so they had to shoot it too.
It was several days before the two policemen knew that Joseph was alive. They had already filed their report and could not change anything now.
Joseph remained hospitalized for months. Surgeons were brought in from Philadelphia to repair his throat, esophagus, vocal box, and head traumas.
He lay on the bed for days with no one to visit him. His voice was strained, low and gravelly. Doctors told him he would never be able to speak normally again. Joseph laughed inside. The joke was on him. The one moment he allowed himself to speak – scream for help – out of all these years, brought on a horrid and terrifying episode that took him back to the beginning of his trauma.
Coming Soon~
April 27 Saturday, Podcast: Karma and Divine Source with the Inner Circle Community
April 30 Tuesday, Thoughts on Doodling, Mandalas, Breathing and More
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Melissa Leath writes A Mystics Journal on Substack. She supplies outrageous metaphysical babble/rant from a modern-day mystic's viewpoint and provides workshops about empowerment and psychic/metaphysical development. Her books Psychic Integrity, The Respected Practice of Modern-Day Mystics (Balboa Press, division of Hay House Publishing) and Does Your Child See Sparkles? are available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Melissa’s long-term study includes years of group development, platform mediumship, meditation, becoming a spiritual medium and minister and a BA in Metaphysical Counseling. She has worked with 10s of thousands of clients in USA and other countries, taught development classes for 12 years and settled into online workshops.
Please contact Melissa at melisssaleath@gmail.com.