What Is A Mystic’s Journal?
A Mystic’s Journal is my prime journal, a unique newsletter that addresses the truth of metaphysical things: spirituality, psychics, mediums, and all things mystical. It is your passport to my unconventional way of thinking. — universal truths, spiritual/psychic concepts, and my vision of the world. It helps you awaken and strengthen your psychic abilities. The things you think are real, might not be! You wouldn’t want to tear a hole in the space-time continuum, would you?
Many psychics and mediums are touting their wares so you will get a reading from them. But where do you go for more food? Where do you get exceptional information and constant untangling of metaphysical misunderstandings??
At A Mystic’s Journal I am building an essential tool for anyone interested in being guided in mystical, metaphysical, spiritual endeavors.
What Do I Write About?
My Journal is centered around once a week (Tuesday) posting - your personal entry to articles, reviews of recent metaphysical books, cool current psychic news, and an open door to me: your Modern-Day Mystic!
I’ll also send out occasional excerpts from the book I’ve been working on (Legend of the Wren). A Free Subscription gets you full access to the newsletter. Never miss an update. Every new entry of the Journal goes directly to your inbox. You’ll also connect with others in this field of interest!
In addition to that, all paid subscribers receive an extra Journal (on Saturdays) called the Inner Circle. We are building a community by providing deeper insights, classwork content, guided meditations, podcasts on my expanded point of view of psychic and spiritual stuff, exercises, techniques and my personal spin on certain topics. This is where you access Workshop Weekend.
As a gift for joining, you will find a video and article about Ancient Shamans (really fascinating) in your Welcome Email.
By becoming a member of my Inner Circle, you will also have access to our Subscribers (only) Chat Feature. We can talk about the recent Inner Circle article/workshop or any other topic you are interested in. It kind of works like Facebook Messenger.
Your investment:
Free Subscription — Always on Tuesdays
$5/month or $50/year — Saturdays Inner Circle (plus the anchor Tuesday post)
I’ll make sure you have full access to the Archives of my Mystic Journals too.
Who is The Modern-Day Mystic?
Your journalist is me - Melissa Leath. I am a Metaphysical Mentor, Writer/Author, Medium, and I Intuitively Dance Through the Universe.
Melissa Leath writes A Mystics Journal on Substack. She supplies outrageous metaphysical babble/rant from a modern-day mystic's viewpoint and provides workshops about empowerment and psychic/metaphysical development. Her books Psychic Integrity, The Respected Practice of Modern-Day Mystics (Balboa Press, division of Hay House Publishing) and Does Your Child See Sparkles? are available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Melissa’s long-term study includes years of group development, platform mediumship, meditation, becoming a spiritual medium and minister and a BA in Metaphysical Counseling. She has worked with 10s of thousands of clients in USA and other countries, taught development classes for 12 years and settled into online workshops.
Please contact Melissa at melisssaleath@gmail.com.