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Contents in this Journal:
Is Your Loved One Reincarnated?
1.2 Trillion Possibilities
Is Your Loved One Reincarnated?
I have a personal opinion of who spirit guides generally are. This is not something anyone told me, nor have I learned it in a seminar or class. It is information brought through spirit in many different readings I have given and other meditative moments.
I believe guiding spirits are representations of previous lives. (Check out an earlier Journal Post on Spirit Guides.) Imagine a wagon wheel with many spokes. The center hub of the wheel represents your life now. This is the one small part of yourself that you are right now. The outer wheel represents all you have ever been. And the spokes are different interpretations of the lifetimes you have experienced.
As you live this present life, you may need help in unfamiliar areas or experiences. Then a past life remembrance is made known to you in the form of a guiding spirit.
The essence or spirit of a previous life is connected to the soul. When the soul realizes you need guidance, it provides you with a memory from a past life experience through the system of spirit guides.
These guides are usually with you for this entire lifetime. It is easier for humans to grasp the idea of help coming from individual beings, than to imagine the guidance as an essence, energy or vibration. It’s easier to describe the help as coming from a spirit guide.
Guides Who Have Reincarnated
A client of mine asked if her grandmother, who was gone over ten years, was alright. Immediately, I connected with her grandmother’s spirit energy through my spirit doctor. I described her in detail, including personality traits and other personal information to share with the family.
Then an unusual thing happened. To my surprise, I said that her grandmother had already reincarnated. The client asked the obvious question: “If grandma already reincarnated, how can you talk to her?” She wouldn’t be in the spirit world, would she?
Amazing information was made available, something I was never taught in the spiritual classes I attended.
The essence or memory of the loved one who passed over is energy with a special imprint. This imprinted energy is like a grid of information representing the loved one (grandma). The medium connects with this representation. We can connect with this memory even after the soul has already reincarnated into another life.
It’s like being in two places at the same time. Grandmother’s essence was already a guiding spirit for the newly incarnated human being. In other words, the soul had reincarnated. And the essence (grandmother) was helping the new life as a guide.
1.2 Trillion Possibilities
I’m sharing this great article by an author I follow, Jan Blencowe from Hedge Mystic. It’s titled 1.2 Trillion Possibilities and is about Tarot. She covers so much information that I did not know, and I am sure you will enjoy it. If you do, comment on her article page and let her know I shared it.
Here is a quick sample of her article: Centuries of thought, experience, study, and use have imbued the symbols on the cards with profound meaning. A morphic field surrounds each Tarot card. This field holds all the information, understanding, wisdom, and insight people have ascribed to them. We tap into that accumulated knowledge through morphic resonance when reading the cards. Using skill and intuition, we can apply the correct meaning of each card in relationship to the other cards to draw out the appropriate message for that moment.
Melissa Leath writes A Mystics Journal on Substack. She supplies outrageous metaphysical babble/rant from a modern-day mystic's viewpoint and provides workshops about empowerment and psychic/metaphysical development. Her books Psychic Integrity, The Respected Practice of Modern-Day Mystics (Balboa Press, division of Hay House Publishing) and Does Your Child See Sparkles? are available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Melissa’s long-term study includes years of group development, platform mediumship, meditation, becoming a spiritual medium and minister and a BA in Metaphysical Counseling. She has worked with 10s of thousands of clients in USA and other countries, taught development classes for 12 years and settled into online workshops.
Please contact Melissa at