Could You Have Spirit Guides That Were Assigned Before Birth?
(Be Nudged and Guided Through Your Life)
Hey! Here I am again! I’ll be sharing information about Spirit Guides and Spirit Communication along with some other things in that direction (like exercises and meditations) that I think you will enjoy. Let me know. ~M/
Who Are the Spirit Guides?
Your higher teachers and spiritual guides are probably the most important group of spirits you will connect with. Spirit Guides are beings who are in the spirit realm, and presently not incarnated into physical form. Some are souls that have incarnated with you in other lifetimes. Some are part of your soul group. Some are advanced souls that have chosen to help with soul evolution.
Your guides are assigned to you before you are born that help nudge and guide you through life. They’re responsible for helping you fulfill the spiritual contract you make before you incarnate in this lifetime. Your higher self helps select these guides.
Spirit Guides and My “Wagon Wheel” Concept.
I have an opinion of who spirit guides generally are. This is not something anyone told me, nor have I learned it in a seminar or class. It is information brought through spirit in many different readings I have given and other meditative moments. (Which means it could be some of my Outrageous Metaphysical Babble.) I believe guiding spirits are representations of previous lives. Imagine a wagon wheel with many spokes.
a. The center hub of the wheel represents your life now. This is the one small part of yourself that you are right now.
b. The outer wheel represents all you have ever been.
c. And the spokes are different interpretations of the lifetimes you have experienced. As you live this present life, you may need help in unfamiliar areas or experiences. Then a past life remembrance is made known to you in the form of a guiding spirit.
The essence or spirit of a previous life is connected to the soul. When the soul realizes you need guidance, it provides you with a memory from a past life experience through the system of spirit guides. These guides are usually with you for this entire lifetime. It is easier for humans to grasp the idea of help coming from individual beings, than to imagine the guidance as an essence, energy, or vibration. It’s easier to describe the help as coming from a spirit
You may have a guide who has been of historical importance. But you will never know it. That guide will never tell you that they were a well-known person (Elvis, Sananda-Jesus, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, for instance.) Your ego would take over, and the message they bring you would be lost. I know — many people will disagree with me on this point. But I stand firm. DON’T have any preconceived notions of who or what your Spirit Guide may be. You may look for a Native American because someone said your guide is Indian. Just be open and unsuspecting when looking for your guides. This could lead to a great big disappointment.
Some guides will stay with you throughout your entire life, and others will appear every now and then to help you with specific areas of your life. Some come to assist you in specific goals you are trying to achieve. These guides are at varying levels of consciousness themselves. Some may be highly Ascended Masters. While others may be from your soul group or incarnation circle and masters in a certain area.
How many Spirit Guides can you have? Generally, you will have one or two "primary" Spirit Guides. These are the ones you have decided with before being born. They guide and help you learn the lessons you set up for yourself. They also gently remind you when you're a bit "Off your path" from your original plans for this lifetime. However, you have an unlimited number of Spirit Guides available to you.
Can you see a Spirit Guide, or only sense the presence of one? Seeing Spirit Guides is very much like all the other psychic-related things. Some “see” their guides, and some don't; some see them part of the time. Most of us don't see our guides. But we can sense them on many levels.
There are other ways of being aware that your guides are around. Many of the guides will "signal" you of their presence with scents or auditory sounds or by a touch on your arm. The typical form of most spirits in the Etheric Plane is basically an energy form.
They also have the capability of manipulating that energy into the form and appearance of any of their incarnations on the earth plane. So, if they show themselves, or you can see them in an inner vision manner, then it is most common to see them in the form/incarnation that you will most likely recognize.
Are any of your loved ones (relatives) who died my spirit guide now? Chances are, you have shared one incarnation or many with a soul that is your spirit guide in this lifetime. But it’s just as likely that you haven’t. A spirit guide makes soul agreements with us just as we do with others who are here living on earth in the physical.
You made soul agreements with your guides before you were ever born, so you certainly know them, even if you haven’t shared incarnations in the past. But No. Your relative who passed away is not a new spirit guide for you. Their souls most certainly stay with you, and you can ask them for guidance when needed, but they don’t become your official “spirit guide”.
Will you always know who your guides are or what their names are? While I know the identity of several of my guides, I do not know who all of them are. Some have given me names while others choose not to. Some have no problem with giving you a name to identify them by and some will give you a symbol to use as a "name."
And there are those who choose for one reason or another not to reveal their identity or a name. Some feel that you might be distracted by names and identities and choose to work unencumbered by that.
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Thank you Sheila! What a nice surprise to see you have shared my article. Blessings.