A Mystics Journal
Are You a Mystic?
Are You a Mystic?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:05

Are You a Mystic?

My Understanding of Modern-Day Mystic

…This usually included a deep dark forest, a young girl that is being chased and plenty of mystical fog…

As I grew up in a Methodist household, I had the notion that the concept of ‘mystic’ or ‘mysticism’ was connected to creepy and unreal things or even woo-woo. That it was used to make scary movies. And not based in reality. In those days (1950s and 1960s) moviemaking was created around fantasy. They used whatever means they could to create a frightening atmosphere, building suspense along the way. This usually included a deep dark forest, a young girl that is being chased and plenty of mystical fog.

So, I became scared of the unknown. Strange dreams woke me up screaming, I saw frightening figures outside my bedroom window at night. And was positive there was a witch (donned in a black cape and pointy hat) sitting right in front of my parent’s bedroom door.  It took a long time for me to outgrow or understand so many things in my early years.

Maybe you had similar experiences. Maybe you were given the wrong idea of what ‘mysticism’ is planted in your mind at an early age too. That’s why I want to share my understanding with you.

First, I want to talk about Mysticism.

This is a full concept that encompasses many systems that can be used to connect with the Divine (All That Is, God/Goddess, Universal Subconscious, etc.). These systems include religion, prayer, meditation, yoga, somehow knowing that there is a spiritual pathway to directly communicate with Spirit and the all-knowing spiritual truth.

At this point, many of you might think that it is blasphemy to say you can communicate directly with God. That there must be someone of higher spiritual rank to be an intercessory, to speak for you, or even interpret what God says. I say, “pooh”.

Mysticism is ingrained within us, at the deepest part of our spirit. It is a natural thing to know that God is within each of us, and it is natural to strive to know that part of ourselves. That striving is the thing that opens our hearts to a spiritual awakening. It is a journey. Without it our lives would be meaningless.

As we begin opening our hearts to the inner mystic, we begin to have direction and purpose.

Now I’ll address the Mystic.

A Mystic is someone who knows they can achieve true understanding in the mysteries (unseen things) of the world or ordinary, third dimensional life. It is someone who reaches for intuitive knowing or even spirit communication (Mediumship or Channeling).

It is someone who prefers peace and love instead of controversy. You probably have suffered a deep, sorrowful experience that changed your inner core. You are more compassionate. You have had moments that transcend time and space – if only for a moment. You’re not sure how it happened but want more.

The Mystic can strive to reach these mysteries and still be a religious person. And/or a spiritual person. Or even someone who questions religion. It is entirely an Inner Work.

And now, The Modern-Day Mystic

The Modern-Day Mystic dances to the beat of their own drum (The Inner Path). To the Modern Mystic, religion and any other structured belief system is closed and confining. You know that the spiritual path is one of understanding, instead of belief. Understanding allows for the mind to expand and recognize other factors that might not have been seen before. You prefer a self-created spiritual path.

Having been more compassionate and seeing the world in an open way, you have become empathic to your inner self and that of others around you.

But I think the main thing that describes a Modern-Day Mystic is the need to reconnect with Nature. Knowing that if we really are All One, then we share the Light and Vibration with our Plant, Animal, and Mineral Relatives.

Walking on the ground barefoot is the most assured way to initiate this. It helps you to re-wire your physical, mental, and spiritual self to not only ground yourself, but to center your being. (More on grounding and centering in another journal entry).

So, living in the world today, and implementing your Mystic Powers helps you become all you can be. And helps the world in general to accomplish what needs to be.

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Here I am in my Modern-Day Mystic Superhero Suit.

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