Soul Contracts Made Before Birth
The day you were born, I bet there was at least one person who said, “I wonder what God has in store for you?”
Well, let’s unwrap that idea!
Now what I have to say here, is my opinion. I may change my opinion tomorrow, so don’t hold this as “But Melissa said…” Much of what I write about in my Journal is simply my idea and understanding of how things are. At this moment. If I learn more, or see things differently or hear wisdom from Spirit, I am open to change my mind.
What I understand is that as we exist in Spirit, getting ready to incarnate, we express desires and areas we’d like to expand our knowledge (learn from). After trading ideas, connections and gathering wisdom from higher, more experienced beings, we agree to experiencing certain things. The Contract.
We may come into this with grandiose plans and lofty ideals. That’s okay. Even if we fare much lower, we have at least tried. There is no shame in that. No one is judging us.
After being incarnated (or reincarnated, as it may be), we are born with a veil over our vision. We come in clean. The contract still holds, but we are not aware of it. — I know, seems like a terrible plan if you ask me. Hence at some point we say to ourselves, “What was I thinking?”
So, we bumble around in our life, making mistakes, bad decisions, generally making a mess of things. Feeling ashamed. Wishing things had gone better. But we throw logic out the window every time there is an important commitment to be made. We just feel so new to this world! That’s because the rule book is clouded with a veil.
As life moves along, we might realize that we make the same mistake over and over. * Here’s the part that I like: Divine Source (aka God) gave us Free Will. Once we understand that, we can change our minds.
You do not have to continue with this particular section of the Contract. Later in life, you may think better of it and know you can gain much wisdom if you take on the agreement. Or not! It is your choice.
Okay, some people will say. “But it’s God’s Will that you do these tasks.”
I will reply to them by saying, “I understand. But God also gave you Free Will.”
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that! (Quote Ferris Bueller — um, I mean Forest Gump.)
If you think of your life’s direction as something to which you have agreed, then what formerly seemed like arbitrary or even absurd conditions can be seen in another light. They are part of the roadmap that you’ve agreed to follow. —Sacred Contracts and Your Archetypes by Carolyn Myss. Free Resources
How To Renegotiate a Sacred Contract (
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