I’ve been receiving questions here and there from past students and friends. So, as I get them, I’ll share my take on it here in A Mystic’s Journal.
Some of us may think we just move through life – willy-nilly – without any direction or guidance. Well, I am here to tell you that is the furthest from the truth! We all come into this world with a group of guides to push us or prod us or coax us in the direction we should go.
Sure, as I’ve shared before, we have free will to make our own decisions. But the One Who Knows does not throw us out in the world without a little help.
The main purpose of a spirit guide is to guide and teach those under their care. Guides are matched up with us in the most perfect way possible. They agree to help you remember the lessons you set up for yourselves in this life. They instruct you in relation to those lessons. They will teach you as much as you want to learn. They guide in a very gentle manner. And they will not give you any more than you are ready to receive or are capable of perceiving. They won't push the information on you. They will always counsel and help in all perspectives but will never make decisions for you. Choices and decisions are yours to make.
Spirit guides can see what’s going on in your life. Usually, they sit back and wait for you to ask for help. But they have several ways they can get your attention:
1. Signs. Guides can arrange synchronicities to help alert you to something you need to see or know about. Pay attention to those when they happen.
2. Gut feelings. This has a lot to do with instinct or raw intuition. These are feelings that have no apparent reason for happening, but always feel very real. Your guides can activate this feeling when you need to pay attention immediately.
3. Natural insight. You may have tuned out your intuition, but it’s a valuable source of information.
It isn’t that difficult to connect with your guides. Just be open and receptive. If you think you felt them around you, then you probably have. If you think you heard them speak to you on your mind, then you probably have! Pay attention. Act on the information. You will get confirmation if it is correct, and that the guide is there. Or if it is your ego getting in the way
Let me know how it works for you.
If you have any questions, please send them to me and I’ll give my ideas on the subject! Thanks.