This post (on Saturdays) normally goes out to the Inner Circle. But I wanted to share it with everyone this time. The topic is fascinating and thought everyone would enjoy! If you are interested in joining My Inner Circle (as a paid subscriber - just $5 a month!), please click here. I appreciate the support.
Seeing into the Heavens
From early childhood, we’re introduced to the term heaven. Normally, this happens when a close loved one dies and our parents try to explain about the passing of life. They really don’t know what it is or how to describe it. It usually ends up being described as a lovely place we all go when our bodies die. And Grandma is now an angel.
Over the years, we come to believe that heaven, or the spirit world, is the only higher space besides the physical world, and all spirits in heaven are highly evolved beings. While discussing mediumship, psychic readers often talk about “the material world” versus “the spirit world”. These dualistic generalities are too limiting. They ignore the majority of layers that represent the many vibrations of spirit.
The term spirit world is generally used to describe all frequencies, including that of loved ones who have died. We tend to think only of our grandparents in the spirit world. But the world of spirit is vast and includes lower as well as higher entities.
You may be aware of angels and spirit guides in the spirit realm of existence. There are also expanded planes (or other “heavens”). These planes have archangels and other highly evolved entities, out of reach to mere mortals. These levels are known as the Celestial, Expressive, Causal, Mental, and Emotional planes of existence.
These planes do not need what we know as the “laws of physics”. Space and time do not exist outside of the third-dimensional physical world. Those of us in the physical body are the only ones who maneuver exclusively in the third dimension. We have little or no concept of what it would be like to live outside of these limitations.
We are part of one huge, multidimensional cosmos made of things not of this world. Yet they are manifested here in the elements of solids, liquids, gases and the ethers, so that we may live and understand them with physical recognition.
Our bodies are alive because they are temporarily inspirited within a time and space window. Our souls are eternally alive because they are eternally inspirited, part of the infinite existence of all.
As our awareness of life expands with our experiences, we begin to see life as a whole: the wholeness of all of creation and interconnection with Creator Source.
Chain of Command
To understand how spirit communication works, it is first important to understand the different levels of spirit. This is something that is rarely taught or even spoken of. Some readers, whether they are psychics or mediums, may not have any concept of where they are getting their information.
To these readers, especially if there was no instruction, spirit is spirit, and it must all be good.
Not understanding the chain of command could be risky. There are many trickster spirits in other planes, who represent themselves as well-known Biblical personalities, historical figures, and even entertainers. These impersonators enjoy the deception.
Some psychic readers really want to believe that they have connected with this or that popular entity, and ego takes over. One hosts the other and the charade continues. But the danger of connecting with a deceptive spirit is that this spirit may not have the true information being sought. So, let’s get a better picture of how the layers of the spirit world can interact and how they cannot.
As we discuss our spirit’s progression into the third dimensional world, it is important to recognize ourselves as spirit in human form. We actually descended into this third-dimensional human incarnation. Wanting to experience as much as possible, our spirit expanded into progressively denser frequencies, which became known to us as planes of existence. Each level became denser than the previous one, with denser forms to experience them. As we move farther from the Creator Source, the frequencies slow down, and are considered lower (and denser) than the original source.
The subject is so vast (unlimited) that this Journal Entry* does not do it justice. However, I feel that the need to understand the concept in a simple manner is important to fully understand spirit communication. (Online class to come soon.)
The layers are chronological from Creator Source down to the physical level (lighter, higher energies being at the top, and heavier, lower energies at the bottom).
Here is a quick view of the seven planes of existence:
1. Celestial plane
2. Expressive plane
3. Causal plane
4. Mental plane
5. Emotional plane
6. Etheric plane
7. Physical plane
The planes of existence have protective veils, distinguishing each one from the others. Each is also divided into degrees, systems and numerous sub-categories.
Suffice it to say, there is much more to The Spirit World than just heaven!
*I will offer an online class sometime in the near future that will expand the understanding of planes, where they are and what they represent.
~~This Excerpt is taken from Chapter 3, How You Can Talk to Heaven, and How You Can’t, from “Psychic Integrity, the Respected Practice of Modern-Day Mystics” (Copyright 2011), by Rev. Melissa Leath.
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