So, today I’m writing this because I need, need, need this information. I know it is true and effective. But for some reason, my mind keeps putting it off.
I reluctantly look around me and see mess everywhere. I go into another room to get away from it, but the mess magically expanded there when I was not looking.
I go all the way into the kitchen and low and behold: More Mess.
Does this sound familiar to you? I’ve had mess around me for so long, it has become invisible. I just don’t see it anymore.
But did you know that having piles of magazines, stacks of paper, unfinished projects, dishes on top of each other – all these things can affect your mind? (Not to mention all the dust bunnies under the bed. Yeah, I got that, too.) It can stimy you from achieving your intentions. It can pull you into a depression.
But I get so frustrated when I start clearing it up. I get tired in the middle and must sit down and then there is a half-baked, undone mess-project in the middle of the room. Grr.
The only thing that I accomplish is getting more frustrated. Discouragement sets in and then all my creativity slumps on the floor too.
If only I could get super energized and push all the way through the entire house! But that just won’t happen. What to do?
A very simple and logical approach was told to me many years ago from my Spirit Guide. She said to pick out just one small area. Maybe a corner in the dining room, or the chair in the bedroom that collects all the not too dirty clothes. But my favorite is a tabletop.
Take 15 minutes and don’t rush. First throw away all the un-needed papers or other collected junk. Then put away other things on the table: lost eating utensils and bowls. By this time, you know the magazines and junk mail should have gone in the waste basket when it came in the house, because you haven’t even looked at it.
Be sure that all keepable items are stored back in their proper place. You’ll be glad you did. Finally, get out the dust spray and cloth and shine up the top of that table.
·       This is the Zen of Cleaning a Tabletop. It puts you in a moving meditation. Sitting still might not work for you, but purposeful movement does. It helps clear your mind and the table!
Suddenly, you can feel the energy shift. There is a renewed sense of value and worth. You feel like you can get busy and finish that project or creative venture.
You know why it works? Just that small, seemingly insignificant clearing? Because now your mind has some place to rest. If you stop what you are doing and look around, you see accomplishment, you see a moment in time that is completely clear. But what is more, you have a sense of continuing.
You can see clearly now. Enjoy your Zen.
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