Watch the video first, then read content below.
I’m sharing this video I made a few years back. It is part of a monthly online class I had at the time. Thought you would find some meaning here and I added some exercises and a guided meditation to complete the pack. Let me know what you think.
Experience: Be aware of present moment. Close your eyes. Listen. Feel. Smell. Taste. Open your eyes. Look at your surroundings. This is your third dimension.
Notes of Present Moment Awareness. In this space, record some of the impressions you experienced or became aware of during the session.
Listen: _____________________________________________
Feel: ______________________________________________
Smell: _____________________________________________
Taste: _____________________________________________
Seeing: ____________________________________________
How long can you stay focused in the present moment?
~~~Spend time each day experiencing this present moment. The more you are aware of the present moment, you will have a base of knowledge to work from. You can then build on that awareness.
~~~Every time you have a thought, remembrance of a loved one who has passed away, or ponder a future event, you have addressed 3 other dimensions.
~~~When you are sleeping, you dream in another dimension. When you plan an activity, you are accessing another dimension. Anything that is not of this actual ‘now’ moment is another dimension. There are others that you access subconsciously without being aware of on a conscious level.
~~~While you were a child, you heard many phrases from parents, teachers, ministers, etc., that you are not aware of at this moment, but your subconscious is holding it. And it replays the saying or emotion to you, which creates how you react in your life to certain experiences.
Experience Words and Phrases — Think of words, phrases, or situations from your past, which you respond to automatically. Consider any words or phrases that you may have become aware of, how they make you feel and how they make you re-act in your life experiences
We already are living in so many dimensions without realizing it. You can keep a record of the varying ways we maneuver through dimensions. This can give you a new recognition of how you are already accessing dimensions. —to be awake to it.
Below… Guided Meditation for accessing Inner Control