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Soul Renaissance and Imagination
“Dreams can come true again when everything old is new again.”
~Anne Murray’s song Everything Old Is New Again
Our souls are forever developing and evolving in a myriad of ways. It never sits idly by with nothing to do. But the soul continually moves. Even in the gestation period, similar to the winter quiet months of Earth, the soul is readjusting and preparing. Moving from a state of solitude to one of expansion, can be a moment of time that requires fortitude, patience and endurance.
Moving in Life is a form of change and can be challenging. But it can also be empowering when you realize what is happening.
This is a time of change that can benefit you. Some may fear change, not wanting to open to something unknown, leaving that safe unobtrusive space. But change can be progressive. It’s a way of altering to another outcome. Did you ever watch a movie on DVD that had alternate endings? Most people want to see the original ending (perhaps the way it was shown at the theatres). And they don’t want to stray from that ending.
It shows that they like everything tied up a certain way with a logical ending. Don’t mess with a good thing, right? But have you just wondered about the possibility of an alternate ending? Can you venture out of your safe mode for a moment to imagine it?
The key thought here is “imagination”. Imagination is the thing we use in our dreams but is also the connection of soul to the human essence. It has everything to do with evolution of the soul.
An Evolutionary Movement
Barbara Marx Hubbard is founder of the The Santa Barbara-based Foundation for Conscious Evolution, author and self-described ‘spiritual/social philosopher/activist’. Her comment on the evolution of the soul is that we are in "… an evolutionary movement, and it's aligned itself with anything that's life-enhancing."
She goes on to say that Evolutionary Consciousness has three-fold awareness: backward, inward and forward. It is (1) looking back in time and experiencing the mystery of the whole story of creation from the origin of the universe, as one’s own story; (2) Focusing inward to the source of our being, to pure awareness, Silence, God; and (3) Reaching forward to participating in the co-creation of the next stage of our evolution.
Author of “Unity of All Life,” Eric Butterworth, considered a legend and spiritual icon in the
Unity movement states: “The hope of the future lies, as it always has, in the evolving awareness of the Infinite on the part of the finite.”
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of revolution, said that if his theories of the universe were correct, then we can only get to evolutionary realities by daring to change, taking charge of the direction that change moves.
We are not only experiencing this renaissance of soul individually, but globally. All of us, all of earth, everything we know will move through this single moment of soul renaissance. As told in ancient Toltec spirituality we will come to know the Nagual itself: the great nameless Presence that exists before and after all these worlds.
As we move into the renaissance, our soul will merge from linear time to what has been called Nowtime by Audri Scott Williams. In her book, “Diary of Nowtime Prophecies” she states, “…when you hold that which you perceive through your senses in present moment awareness—always, time and form cease. You enter the world where everything exists in infinity.”
Acute awareness of the moment will take us to the total understanding of spiritual evolution. This opens to pure imagination.
In this state of Nowtime, we have the time needed to recognize, experience, and remember the full consciousness of our awakened spirits. This allows us to remember the origin of our individuality in the primordial fields of being.
The best way to prepare for the soul’s renaissance is to be fully in the present moment now.
Allow yourself to consciously be aware of the phenomenal world and Eternal Presence from which that world was created.
Those of us who are already emerging to our soul renaissance are not controlled by the subconscious fear of change that pervades this earth experience and lead the way for many.
An Exercise
Be about your spiritual business. Concentrate on being the strongest connection to All That Is.
Be totally aware of your surroundings: are they of the third dimension, or other-dimensional? Do you recognize your resting state, or the opening to transformation? The time will come that it is important for you to know the difference. As that knowing and understanding comes into your being, the renaissance of the soul becomes a matrix of new beginnings.
A Meditative Moment
I see myself resting in the safe, development period of life. I know that all is well in my world.
Any resistance to changing patterns is lifted from me. I am growing to perfection and preparing to expand when the time is right.
Parts of this article were originally published in DreamWeaver Magazine EMERGENCE Issue (May/June 2012)
Melissa Leath writes A Mystics Journal on Substack. She supplies outrageous metaphysical babble/rant from a modern-day mystic's viewpoint and provides workshops about empowerment and psychic/metaphysical development. Her books Psychic Integrity, The Respected Practice of Modern-Day Mystics (Balboa Press, division of Hay House Publishing) and Does Your Child See Sparkles? are available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Melissa’s long-term study includes years of group development, platform mediumship, meditation, becoming a spiritual medium and minister and a BA in Metaphysical Counseling. She has worked with 10s of thousands of clients in USA and other countries, taught development classes for 12 years and settled into online workshops.
Please contact Melissa at