Honoring Self
Honoring others is taught in many ways. But how often are you taught to honor yourself? This must be one of the most powerful thoughts you could have: to believe in your own divinity.
If you can see yourself as a spark of the Divine---a piece of the creative universe, then you can accept yourself as a creator. Quite an awesome responsibility!
If I am divine, then I am a creator, and can manifest my own future. I can create the love I want in my life and so can others. I can create the perfect career for myself, and so can others. I can bring into my life, all the supplies and sustenance needed to survive in this remarkable world, and at the same time, see it for others. Whatever is needed for me and others, must, by all rights, be manifest.
Together, through all divine creators, Peace can come into reality. I can allow it to be, can you? I believe in my own divinity – and yours.
Some time ago, Charles (my husband) and I went to the theater to watch the movie "Radio," starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. "Radio" is one of those wonderful stories that can define Divinity on a personal level. The young man nicknamed Radio, who was challenged in many ways, was able to see everyone as being divine. And in doing so, he was able to create a fantastic future for himself. You have the ability to bring that aspect into your own life. Watch the movie free online.
Sometimes it is so easy to get stuck in negative vibrations. Sometimes I find myself wallowing in them big time!
After many years of researching and experimenting with manifestation and positive thinking, Lynn Grabhorn wrote about a very simple view in her great book, “Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting” (free pdf download). There she has fantastic information we have used to help pull ourselves out of negative thinking. Grabhorn says that by holding a joyous, positive thought and feeling for at least 16 seconds, the energy we are emanating actually changes.
When we consciously find ourselves thinking in negative ways, or can’t understand why our life isn’t working, we pull out a fun, exciting memory that kick starts high vibrations.
By changing the vibrational energy around us, we are able to bring more positive aspects of life around us. This is when things actually shift. We can feel a change take place.
That word ‘feeling’ comes up again and again, doesn’t it? Grabhorn also says it’s not enough thinking of the happy situation. You have to really feel it. Remember when it really happened and relive that feeling. That feeling of excitement or joy implanted a special signal in your energy grid.
By accessing it again, it is like putting in an old tape into the cassette player. The music you loved so long ago is still there. The dance steps come back naturally and the part of your life you thought had disappeared returns.
It all is through the feeling that took place the first time it was experienced. It was indelibly implanted into our energy system to access anytime you would like to. What a wonderful thing!
Life may have moved into more sophisticated aspects over the years, using CD’s or DVD’s (or, what’s the new thing? Spotify?). The tools may have changed. But the implanted energetic pattern is always there!
Many years had gone by while we tried to understand how to be successful and prosperous. We allowed society and religion to keep us in a poverty-mode.
Our environment keeps us all in the same manner of thinking. Everything you come into contact with helps to create this way of thinking.
We were right there: Thinking we were not worthy to be successful!
We knew this was an area we still needed to work on. But just didn’t have a clue where to search now.
Intellectually, we knew it couldn’t be true. But it took so much to work through: reading, searching, workshops, subconscious investigation, rationalizing… We spend a lot of time feeling bad because we were not being successful!
If you decide you want to make a change in your life, such as preferring to be successful, you’ll first have to listen to what you’re thinking. That’s a conversation that many people don’t pay much attention to. The thoughts you entertain are jailers who are keeping your mind locked.
You first have to understand the words that are going through your mind. Understand the meaning of the words. You have to start changing what you think and how you react to situations in your moment-to- moment life.
The first real clue we came upon was a book by U. S. Anderson called, “Three Magic Words,” I’ve mentioned in earlier Journal Entries. That book helped us to understand how the subconscious mind works. From an early age, you start to log in certain thoughts, or ‘prompters’ that stay with you locked in the mind. And these become what you subconsciously believe to be true.
The conscious mind doesn’t always believe the same thing the subconscious mind does. (Read that sentence again.) For all intents and purposes, it doesn’t really matter what you want to think.
The subconscious will keep bringing the firm (but illogical) hidden belief system to the forefront. It has this crazy way of preventing you from being or doing the things you really would like to.
I think of it as my sabotaging self. It was really doing what it felt it must. But I had to do something about it—I had to redirect it. After all, it is my subconscious mind. I am in control!
Phrases like: ‘You know, it’s rough out there’… ‘It’s becoming harder and harder to make a living’…’The politicians are causing all our problems’…’I’m saving my money for a rainy day.’
Continual use of these words in your conversation is the thing taking away your power.
I’m not saying it’s going to be easy to change your way of thinking. It’s going to take a great deal of work and dedication. But you are worth it!
After a while, if you are doing it consistently, you will start paying attention to the conversations you have with other people. And you’ll notice how it may be leading you right back to the negative thoughts you were trying to change. Now these people may not be interested in changing their lives or their thinking. But you still have to encounter them every day.
The more you understand about making changes, the more you will isolate yourself from these people. Their conversations are always leading in the very same direction.
They hold very little positive thoughts, and they will not embrace your new way of thinking. It’s just too hard to take responsibility (or so they think). It’s much easier to give it to someone else or have someone else to do it for them.
If you’re serious about changing your direction in life, it’s almost like becoming a fan. You will need to have fanatical drive in working on your subconscious mind and freeing it, filling your mind with new positive ways of thinking.
As you make this change, your environment will change around you. Your interest will change; you’ll be involved with what makes you happy.
The majority of people around you may not accept the fact that you are changing. Family and friends won’t understand who you are any more.
The easiest way around this --- the only way --- is to take responsibility. Of course, you must honor their opinion, of course. But it is just that: their opinion. You must also honor your own opinion. The more you change your thinking the happier you will be. As you do this, you will see the illusions around you disappear.
…and you become empowered. Successful!
Let me know what you think!
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(This article is taken, in part from Outrageous Living, Tips & Secrets to Thriving in the 21st Century by Charles and Melissa Leath.)