Are You a Spiritual Person, or Are You Interested in the Paranormal?
Let's Find a Bridge Between the Two!
I think we all have questioned the difference between Spirituality and the Paranormal. I’ve addressed it several times in different lectures and conversations. Old school learning and thinking have understood that the paranormal is Spirituality turned upside-down, meaning stay away from it. Much of what we see on television is the ‘scary stuff’.
Lost souls, eerie sounds on an Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) recording, and glimpses of shadowy figures. All these things are true (I understand to be true), but it is the sensationalism imposed in the promotion of these programs that change the way we look at it. But let’s look at a different perspective~
~ I really like the way Sheila Pryce Brooks presents it in Transcend with Sheila Pryce Brooks on Substack. Her article is called “The Bridge Between Spirituality and the Paranormal”. I’m pleased to introduce Sheila Pryce Brooks to you by posting her article on my Journal today.
I've always been what you'd call spiritual. Apart from direct encounters with spirits, which have happened a few times, I’ve always been highly intuitive (which is a spiritual gift that we each have access to).
I seemed to know things that were going to happen. I had empathic tendencies that surfaced without me knowing what they were. Looking back, a range of what are now called ‘psychic’ abilities developed and made themselves known, without me recognizing what they were.
Perhaps you too have similar abilities?
Maybe not the same features as me, but abilities that are over and above the everyday human senses of seeing, smelling, feeling, touching and hearing.
My guess is that the answer is yes and that there's a definite knowing within you that there's more going on in your life than your physical and emotional experiences.
Today, as society has moved forward linguistically, terms and words have developed to aid our collective communication and labels can be placed on these ‘psychic’ experiences. Words like claircognizance, which I now know represents the deep inner knowing that I experienced. Also, clairvoyance: the clarity in things that I could see and foretell. Being able to connect with others on an emotional level to the extent that I could literally feel their emotions, is today known as being empathic.
So, by today's terms, all of these abilities, along with my thirst for knowing more about our physical existence, puts me and you within the category of being ‘spiritual’.
As spiritual beings, do you believe that we are all psychic and that we each have the ability to tap into these abilities when needed?
And if so, are these abilities masked by our day to day activities, events, and dramas to the extent that they only have the opportunity to surface and be acknowledged when we stop, slow down and acknowledge them?
For those of us that have these abilities, we must be prepared to move beyond the everyday perception of being ‘spiritual’. Whilst having reiki, doing meditation, attending yoga classes and using tarot and oracle cards are all symbols of spirituality, one must recognise that these are all tools of spirit. Engaging in them equates to your relationship with spirit - yours and others. This recognition moves you into the domain of the paranormal.
Paranormal Definition
Denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.
Perhaps you should have been forewarned that the journey of your spiritual growth that began with reading books and listening and watching videos, creates a desire for knowledge that surpasses the socially accepted mind body spirit books.
Like a child outgrows a pair of shoes, you too will outgrow the everyday notions of spirituality as you embrace the part of you that is spirit and become aware that as spirit you can transcend the everyday trends and create new norms, new experiences and new terms.
There is so much for us to learn, experience and witness.
And I have a feeling that we're still at the tip of all that knowledge.
May you continue on your journey with Love and Light.
Melissa here~~ I hope you enjoyed Sheila’s article! Please take a moment to Like or Comment below. Peace!
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