Over the years, I certainly have found a variety of ways to change negative energies into positive. They range from the four-step smudging (offering tobacco, cedar smudge, sweet grass smudge and finally sage smudge including prayers that I may discuss in another journal) to the detailed Chinese art of feng shui. All of which are worthy and productive ways to clear a space. I use them all.
But today I want to share a few quick and easy, instant ~if you will~ methods for clearing energy from an object or space. This can be used at inconvenient times when the other, more organized methods are out of the question.
Suppose you are at an event and find that your crystal or pendulum has collected negative energy, or at least energy that is not harmonious to yours. You certainly don’t have time to go through a four-step smudging. I have a quick and effective method for you.
1. Hold the item in your left hand. Clear your mind. Ground yourself. Focus your intent on clear, positive, heart-love flowing vibrations. As soon as you are ready, place your right hand about two inches above your item. With your focused intent, start moving your right hand in a clockwise circle, moving up into a spiral. This should take four or five circles. Finish by placing (closing) your right hand over your left, with the item inside.
Yeah, some people will say this sounds like hocus-pocus. Well, I guess it really is. Hocus-pocus is a magical method of changing vibrations. It is similar to the use of alchemy. And these things cannot take place without focused intent. You have effectively changed the vibrations of your item’s energy.
2. Another quick tip: To change a room’s energy, that has stale or heavy vibrations, simply clap your hands! Start by the doorway and clap your hands four or five times. Then turning left, go to the first corner. Clap your hands up high, near the ceiling. Move on to each corner until you reach the doorway again. Finish by clapping one time at the doorway. This chases the heavy energies out the door.
I have been asked many times about different types of clearings and cleansings. Some of them include room smudging and personal or house clearing. This tip concerns areas in your home that might be stale or holding low vibrations -- it just doesn't feel good or right for some reason. It can be used quickly without smudging the whole house.
3. Space Clearing with Bells. We all know about wind chimes and bells hanging outside the house. It keeps the negative energies from entering the house. And it is a pleasant sound whenever the wind or breeze rings it. But bells can be used inside the house as well!
Usually small spaces, such as corners of a room, under tables, or next to dressers do not get as much movement as the rest of the room. So, the energy gets "stale" or holds "old" vibrations. As a result, the room starts to take on a sour feeling when you enter it. It just does not feel vibrant like the rest of the house might.
This room might be one that is a guest room used only for visitors. Or it could be a "catch-all" place for those items you do not use all the time. I always keep an old bell -- I think it is a cow bell! -- in my dining room. It has a special place on top of the sideboard. Whenever I feel like an area of my house is stale or not lively anymore, I just get the bell and ring it in that area.
I always start in a corner of the room nearest the doorway. Each corner gets a good shaking and a special intention of love and light. I work my way around the room and shake the bell the loudest and longest in each corner. As I approach the doorway going out of the room, I bow towards the center of the room and ask for special blessings for the space. Then I shake the bell several more times (just for good luck!)
Yes. It is that simple!
I even have jingle bells (left over from holidays gone by) hanging on the front and back doorknobs. Every time we come in or out, the bells clear the path. I also have a few bells like that on the back of dining chairs. Every time we pull out a chair to eat at the table, the space is cleansed.
Other cleansings can be simple and easy, or more elaborate and geared towards ritual or ceremony. They all are positive ways to enrich your home.
Many Blessings on your cleansing endeavors.